
カナダ発祥の地PEI―Province HouseとCOWS

人間文化課程 2年

宿泊先のホテルから歩いて5分ほどの場所にあるのが、Province House つまりプリンスエドワードアイランド(PEI)州議会(立法議会)である。現在、建物内は保護プロジェクトによって閉鎖されており、残念ながら中へ入ることはできなかった。

カナダSV2016:カナダ発祥の地PEI―Province HouseとCOWS 写真1 カナダSV2016:カナダ発祥の地PEI―Province HouseとCOWS 写真2



Province Houseの他に同じ敷地内には劇場やギャラリー、図書館などがある。私たちが滞在していた時、劇場ではマンマミーア!やこの島が舞台となっている赤毛のアンのミュージカルが上演されていた。劇場はConfederation Centre of the Artsという名であったのだが、Centreという綴りからこの土地がイギリス領であったことが実際にうかがえた。


カナダSV2016:カナダ発祥の地PEI―Province HouseとCOWS 写真3 カナダSV2016:カナダ発祥の地PEI―Province HouseとCOWS 写真4

Province House & COWS in PEI


Province House National Historic Site is one of the most important places when we talk about the origin of Canada. The Charlottetown Conference, which was held in September 1864, is indispensable to talk about the history of Canada, this is the beginning of the Confederation. At first, it was planned to make a union with British maritime colonies of North America. But it was changed by a proposal of the Province of Canada which was to make a union with all of British colonies in North America. So that this town is often called the cradle of Canada. I saw a monument of four number near the building, “1864.” This was announced by Parks Canada in 2014, which was the year of 150th anniversary of Charlottetown Conference. Confederation Centre of the Arts was next to the Province House and I realized that this place was Britain colonies by the spelling of “Centre.”

There were many shops near this place. Many shops close early than Japan, for example, 6 p.m. and their closing time changes by the day of week. It usually close early on Sunday. I went to COWS, a famous ice cream chain store born in PEI, and was surprised that we can taste some flavor and choose corn. I often saw the goods of COWS at other shops especially COWS chips, potato chips with chocolate, and get the impression that COWS is a selling point of PEI.